A baby took its first steps

My first publication, “3 Studies for Piano”, was published by Ariadne Verlag in 1979 – an unforgettable moment in my life. At the time, I was still a student at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. At a concert, Mr Viktor Liberda, the owner of Ariadne Verlag, approached me and asked what I would think if he published my composition. This encounter was more than just a happy coincidence.

A close friendship developed with Mr Liberda, in which we saw ourselves as fellow travellers. He was not only a publisher, but also a mentor and supporter on my path as a composer. When I held the printed sheet music with the elegant cover and the publisher’s logo in my hands, I was overcome with an overwhelming feeling: I am actually a composer! – without realising what a difficult life still lay ahead of me.

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Premiere string quartet No. 4 in Vienna
Kubus Kollektiv
New Composition for Guitar