Guitar storms in Tokyo
The contemporary music performing scene in Tokyo can be very exciting. There aren’t many groups that specialize in new music, but they are obsessed and enthusiastic about experimenting. Four European-trained guitarists who have won various competitions have joined forces. One of them, T. Tsuchihashi, studied at the Hanns Eisler Musikhochschule in Berlin years ago and played some of my pieces. The concert will feature seven new works by renowned Japanese composers. The concert is like a storm! I feel honored to be part of it.
“Guitar suffers but keeps its hope” is the title of the piece for guitar duo by Shinichiro Ikebe. A good title! This is something I agree with.
It’s a pity I can’t be there. At the same time, I’m curious to see how my “Atem Pause” for guitar quartet will sound in Tokyo.